3 Secrets To Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) in Healthcare
$21 USD
RegistrationEvent Description
Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Bundled Payments In Healthcare
Healthcare is changing now, more than ever, and how we pay for that care is no exception. Given that healthcare spending is currently 17.8% of our nation’s GDP, the government is looking for different methods that will help reduce spending. There are several different models in place including Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR), the newer cardiac bundle, and Bundled Payment for Care Improvement developed by CMS as a possible solution.
With the new bundled payment model providers are compensated for an “episode of care”; placing the emphasis on quality of care and cost controls. But what does this new payment model mean for patients and providers? In this program, we will examine some of the types of payment models, the benefits and the drawbacks, and what potentially lies ahead.
With this webinar, you will gain insight and tactics to:
- 4 models of care under the Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) Initiative
- Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model (CJR)
- Bundled Payment Models for Cardiac Care
- Bundled payment effect on coordinated care
- How new model reduces costs for patients, hospitals, and third party payers & creates a uniform “product” to allow for increased competition
- How to define episodes of care when multiple conditions interact
- Whether or not bundled payments cause an avoidance of high- risk patients or deter ordering necessary, but expensive, tests?
- How non-compliant patients impact cost
- What “episode of care” will be bundled next
- Will bundled payment model remain given uncertainty of the ACA?
- Will bundled payments lead to more proactive planning to reduce post- acute care costs
- Implementation challenges moving forward
Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
Stacey Klinker, MBA, HCM, Consultant, The Healthcare Executive
Dr. Mandeep K. Mangat, MD, MPH, Chief Strategy Officer at The Healthcare Executive, Senior Administrator for Population at Bayada Home Healthcare
Dr. Anish Patel, MD, MBA, Physician Executive, Georgetown University Alumnus
Dr. George T. Mathew, MD, MBA, FACP, Chief Medical Officer, Health and Life Sciences, Americas and Canadian Public Sector Team, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
The Healthcare Executive
Bayada Home Healthcare
Georgetown University Alumnus
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
American College of Healthcare Executives – Mississippi Healthcare Executives
American College of Healthcare Executives – Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc.
American College of Healthcare Executives – Network of Overseas Healthcare Executives
Continuing Education Credit:
Healthcare based programs are authorized to award 1.5 hours of Qualified Continuing Education Credit toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for Qualified Education (non-ACHE) credit should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification.