Health Information Exchange: Implementation in the Real World

Health Information Exchange: Implementation in the Real World
Starts from: March 11, 2015 12:00PM - 1:30PM
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Course Feature
  • Course Code Not offered for this course
  • Duration 1 Day
  • Course Type Short Course
  • Classes Days Wednesday (One Day Class)
  • Campus Online
  • Min Qualification Open to Healthcare Professionals
Class Description

Health Information Exchange: The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), part of the Department for Health and Human Services, has awarded funds as part of its State Health Information Exchange (State HIE) cooperative Agreement Program. The goal of this program is to support efforts to rapidly build capacity for exchanging health information across the health care system both within and across states. The program moderator and panelists will discuss the expansion and development of new HIEs which are bringing together local communities and which then are connecting to the state network, including the challenges and lessons learned from a technical, governance, engagement, and sustainability point-of-view. The panelists will also discuss related offerings available to healthcare systems through the HIE including strategies to meet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Meaningful Use requirements and how the HIE can be employed to share data for Transitions of Care. We coordinated this for the Central Illinois American College of Healthcare Executives Chapter and Greg Wahlstrom, Dr. Douglas Garland Jr., Carla Smith, Jack Malloy and Lauren Wiseman hosted this 90-minute panel discussion via webinar. This event includes an opportunity for Q&A.


The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), part of the Department for Health and Human Services, has awarded funds as part of its State Health Information Exchange (State HIE) Corporative Agreement Program. The goal of this program is to support efforts to rapidly build capacity for exchanging health information across the health care system both within and across states. The program moderator and panelists will discuss the expansion and development of new HIEs which are bringing together local communities and which then are connecting to the state network, including the challenges and lessons learned from a technical, governance, engagement, and sustainability point-of-view. The panelists will also discuss related offerings available to Health Care Systems through the HIE including strategies to meet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Meaningful Use requirements and how the HIE can be employed to share data for Transitions of Care. Please join Central Illinois American College of Healthcare Executives and Greg Wahlstrom, Dr. Douglas Garland Jr., Carla Smith, Jack Malloy and Lauren Wiseman for this 90-minute panel discussion via webinar. This event will include an opportunity for Q&A.
    To register for courses please click on the course and click on register! Once our team confirms your payment we will send you login details to your email address
    •   To register for this program please visit: 
    •   Please visit our “Investment” for exclusive offers
    •   Enrollment is open to all healthcare professionals
    •   We offer a wide range of programs.
    •   If you need assistance registering for a course please contact:
    This 90-minute program will cover a wide-range of topics related to Health Information Exchange Implementation In The Real World. We will cover the following:
    •   Present current status of the implementation of the state or territory’s HIE
    •   Discuss the successes, challenges, and lessons learned during the founding of the HIE and when on-boarding to the state network
    •   Examine Strategies to use HIE to meet Meaningful Use requirements at the Health System level
    •   How does the Admit, Discharge, or Transfer (ADT) daa assist the Health Plans
    •   What are the incentives and penalties aroud meeting Meaningful Use Stage 2
    •   Is the benefit of being able to exchange  data electronically  worth the cost
    Cost for this program are completely “FREE” to healthcare professionals
    •   Our Team strives to offer the best programs at the lowest cost possible
    •   Be sure to follow up on social media for chances to receive discount codes for future programs
    •   We also have bundle options located on “Investment” page
    •   We also offer organization and corporate discounts contact us for more info
    •   2% of all webinar revenue generated will be used to provide financial support for a selected graduate of an MBA or MHA program who is selected to complete an administrative fellowship at a newly created healthcare organization
    Here is a list of facilitators
    •   Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
    •   Douglas Garland, Jr., MS, PharmD, HIE Policy Board Member, Washington D.C. HIE Policy Board
    •   Carla Smith, MA, CNM, FHIMSS, Executive Vice President, HIMSS, North America
    •   Jack Malloy, Vice President  of IT Service Integration & Quality Corporate IT, Henry Ford Health System
    •   Lauren Wiseman, MSN, Clinical Services Manager, Central Illinois Health Information Exchange
    Here is a list of organizations participating with this program
    •   Central Illinois Chapter of ACHE
    •   Washington D.C. HIE Policy Board
    •   HIMSS North America
    •   Henry Ford Health System
    •   Central Illinois Health Information Exchange


    With this course, attendees gained insight and tactics to:

    • Present current status of the implementation of the state or territory’s HIE
    • Discuss the successes, challenges, and lessons learned during the founding of the HIE and when on-boarding to the state network
    • Examine Strategies to use HIE to meet Meaningful Use requirements at the system level
    • How does the Admit, Discharge or Transfer (ADT) data assist the Insurance Plans?
    • What are the incentives and penalties around meeting Meaningful Use Stage 2?
    • Is the benefit of being able to exchange data electronically worth the cost?



    Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & CEO, The Healthcare Executive
    Douglas Garland Jr., MS, PharmD, HIE Policy Board Member, Washington D.C HIE Policy Board
    Carla Smith, MA, CNM, FHIMSS, Executive Vice President, HIMSS North America
    Jack Malloy, VP of IT Service Integration & Quality Corporate IT, Henry Ford Health System
    Lauren Wiseman, MSN, Clinical Services Manager, Central Illinois HIE


    The Healthcare Executive
    District of Columbia HIE
    HIMSS North America
    Henry Ford Health System
    Central Illinois HIE
    Central Illinois Chapter of ACHE




    * This webinar program had 350 registrants calling in from 10 countries.

    • Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM

      (The Healthcare Executive, President & Chief Executive Officer)

      Spearheading healthcare innovation as CEO of The Healthcare Executive, Greg Wahlstrom brings over 25 years of experience in healthcare, business, and marketing. His career demonstrates a clear commitment to leadership in healthcare management. Wahlstrom u...

    • Lauren Wiseman, MSN

      (Clinical Services Manager, Central Illinois Health Information Exchange)

      Lauren Wiseman has been involved with the Health Information Exchange efforts in Illinois since 2009, participating in the planning grant workgroups and then joining the staff of Central Illinois Health Information Exchange in 2011. As the Clinical Servic...

    • Jack Malloy, MBA

      (VP of IT Service Integration & Quality Corporate IT, Henry Ford Health System)

      Highly accomplished, award-winning technology executive with extensive record of success in healthcare systems management. Proven ability to facilitate corporate success through effective design and delivery of enterprise-level solutions. Special expertis...

    • Carla Smith, MA, CNM, FHIMSS

      (Executive Vice President, HIMSS North America)

      Carla Smith is Executive Vice President of HIMSS, a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information techn...