Population Health Management: Palliative Care Managing Seriously Ill Populations To Acheive Triple Aim

Population Health Management: Palliative Care Managing Seriously Ill Populations To Acheive Triple Aim
Starts from: February 27, 2016 12:00PM - 1:30PM
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Course Feature
  • Course Code Not offered for this course
  • Duration 1.5 Hours
  • Course Type Short Course
  • Classes Days One Day Class
  • Campus Class will be held Online
  • Min Qualification Open to Healthcare Professionals
Class Description

Population Health Management: Palliative Care Managing Seriously Ill Populations To Achieve Triple Aim: Palliative Care is an interdisciplinary medical specialty that focuses on preventing and relieving suffering and on supporting the best possible quality of life for patients and their families facing serious illness. This program will provide rationale for palliative care and overview of palliative care services.

Population Health Management: Palliative Care Managing Seriously Ill Populations To Achieve Triple Aim: Palliative Care is an interdisciplinary medical specialty that focuses on preventing and relieving suffering and on supporting the best possible quality of life for patients and their families facing serious illness. This program will provide rationale for palliative care and overview of palliative care services. It will also provide an update on current and proposed models of palliative care delivery.
    To register for courses please click on the course and click on register! Once our team confirms your payment we will send you login details to your email address
    •   To register for this program please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/population-health-management-palliative-care-to-achieve-triple-aim-free-webinar-tickets-19700830715 
    •   Please visit our “Investment” for exclusive offers
    •   Enrollment is open to all healthcare professionals
    •   We offer a wide range of programs.
    •   If you need assistance registering for a course please contact: [email protected]
    This 90-minute program will cover a wide-range of topics related to Population Health Management: Palliative Care – Managing Seriously Ill Patients To Achieve Triple Aim. We will cover the following:
    •   Provide a rationale for palliative care and describe its role in the continuum of care for patients
    •   The differences between palliative and hospice care
    •   Provide an understanding of palliative care services (Goals of care, psychosocial support, coordination of care)
    •   Identification of patients appropriate for palliative care
    •   Describe the role of effective public engagement to improve palliative are for serious illness management
    •   The role of palliative care in care transitions and reducing readmissions
    •   Current and proposed models of palliative care (hospital based palliative care, non-hospital based palliative care services, hospice mode of palliative care
    Cost for this program are completely “FREE” to healthcare professionals
    •   Our Team strives to offer the best programs at the lowest cost possible
    •   Be sure to follow up on social media for chances to receive discount codes for future programs
    •   We also have bundle options located on “Investment” page
    •   We also offer organization and corporate discounts contact us for more info
    •   2% of all webinar revenue generated will be used to provide financial support for a selected graduate of an MBA or MHA program who is selected to complete an administrative fellowship at a newly created healthcare organization
    Here is a list of facilitators
    •   Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
    •   Dr. Mandeep Mangat, MD, MPH, Senior Administrator, BAYADA Home Health Care
    •   Dr. Vicky Parikh, MD, MPH, Executive Director, MedStar Shah Medical Group
    Here is a list of organizations participating with this program
    •   The Healthcare Executive
    •   BAYADA Home Health Care
    •   MedStar Shah Medical Group


    With this webinar, you will gain insight and tactics to:

    • Provide a rationale for palliative care and describe its role in the continuum of care for patients
    • The differences between palliative and hospice care
    • Provide an understanding of palliative care services (Goals of care, psychosocial support, coordination of care)
    • Identification of patients appropriate for palliative care
    • Describe the role of effective public engagement to improve palliative are for serious illness management
    • The role of palliative care in care transitions and reducing readmissions
    • Current and proposed models of palliative care (hospital based palliative care, non-hospital based palliative care services, hospice mode of palliative care


    Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
    Dr. Mandeep Mangat, MD, MPH, Senior Administrator, BAYADA Home Health Care
    Dr. Vicky Parikh, MD, MPH, Executive Director, MedStar Shah Medical Group


    The Healthcare Executive
    BAYADA Home Health Care
    MedStar Shah Medical Group




    Program Audio:


    Healthcare Management based programs are authorized to award 1.5 hours of Qualified Continuing Education Credit toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for Qualified Education (non-ACHE) credit should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification.


    • Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM

      (The Healthcare Executive, President & Chief Executive Officer)

      Spearheading Healthcare Innovation as CEO of The Healthcare Executive Greg Wahlstrom, with his remarkable 25-year journey in healthcare, business, and marketing, stands at the helm of The Healthcare Executive as its CEO. His extensive experience and visio...

    • Dr. Vicky Parikh, MD, MPH

      ( MedStar Shah Medical Group, Executive Director- Population Health)

      Dr. Vicky Parikh is a result oriented healthcare executive with more than 10 years of experience who combines clinical, population health, public health, clinical research and data management knowledge to transform healthcare systems and improving care de...

    • Dr. Mandeep Mangat, MD, MPH

      (The Healthcare Executive, Chief Strategy Officer)

      Mandeep K. Mangat, MD, MPH is a Chief Strategy Officer for The Healthcare Executive and Senior Administrator of Population Health Management at Bayada Home Health Practice. She directs the ongoing development, implementation and coordination of population...