The Healthcare Executives Role in IT Decisions

Course Feature
Course Code Not offered for this course
Duration 1.5 Hours
Course Type Short Course
Classes Days One Day Class
Campus Class will be held at OSF Jump Trade Simulation and Education Center, Peoria, Illinois, United States
Min Qualification Open to Healthcare Professionals
Class Description
The Healthcare Executives Role in It Decisions: Today’s healthcare executive works in a world of ever-increasing information technology options. How do they navigate, evolve and respond to the changing informatics world? These leaders often do not work directly with information technology, nor necessarily understand the application, but they are asked to make crucial decisions about implementation of technology. The outcomes of those decisions have financial, strategic and patient outcomes and the cost of a mistake can be devastating.
With this webinar, you will gain insight and tactics to:
- The processes you use in making decisions on topics for which you do not have a complete understanding
- Understanding the relationship between IT decisions and technology partners
- The role of managers and other employees play in IT decision-making
Leslie Johnson, Education Chairperson, Healthcare Executive Education Committee, Central Illinois Chapter of ACHE
Karen Brown, MBA, FACHE, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, OSF St. Anthony Medical Center
James Mormannm, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, OSF Healthcare System
Chris Duvendack, FACHE, Chief Organizational Performance Improvement Officer, Clinical Radiologists, S.C.
Dan Thoma, Vice President of Digital Imaging, Electromek Diagnostic Systems
Central Illinois Chapter of ACHE
OSF St. Anthony Medical Center
OSF Healthcare System
Clinical Radiologists, S.C.
Illinois Valley Community Hospital