Population Health Management: Building A Culture of Wellness And Prevention
Course Feature
Course Code Not offered for this course
Duration 1.5 Hours
Course Type Short Course
Classes Days One Day Class
Campus Class will be held Online
Min Qualifications Open to Healthcare Professionals
Class Description
Population Health Management: Building A Culture of Wellness and Prevention: Population Health is a transformative factor in reducing chronic illness and a key component of health care reform. It is dedicated to creating a fundamentally different culture and perspective focused on wellness and prevention. This program will provide new insights about topics related to chronic illness management, wellness and prevention, health promotion, and access to care.
With this webinar, you will gain insight and tactics to:
- Provide an understanding of the policies related to healthcare reform
- Provide a summary of current healthcare challenges and role of population health management in rewarding value over volume
- Conducting community health needs assessment to address priority health needs
- Assess current and proposed models of care to improve quality, standardization and access, reduce costs and promote accountability of care
- Provide specific examples of successful population health programs
- Burden of Chronic Disease with real data analysis
- Discuss the application of evidence based medicine to improve health care from a clinical perspective
- Assess the role of population health programs in reducing length of stay, readmission and costs from hospital to home piece
Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
Dr. Mandeep Managat, MD, Senior Administrator, BAYADA Home Health Care
Dr. Leslie Mathews, MD, FACHE, Chairman Healthcare Management Program, Franklin University
Shawn Zierke, MPH, Executive Director, Iowa Counties Public Health Association
The Healthcare Executive
BAYADA Home Health Care
Franklin University
Iowa Counties Public Health Association
Healthcare based programs are authorized to award 1.5 hours of Qualified Continuing Education Credit toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for Qualified Education (non-ACHE) credit should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification.