Sustaining A Financially Vibrant Healthcare Organization
Course Feature
Course Code Not offered for this course
Duration 1.5 Hours
Course Type Short Course
Classes Days One Day Class
Campus Class will be held Online
Min Qualifications Open to Healthcare Professionals
Class Description
Sustaining A Financially Vibrant Healthcare Organization: Today’s healthcare executive faces many challenges. Issues such as workforce shortages to the need to update technology and make facility infrastructure improvements as well as sustaining safe high-quality patient care make financial challenges extraordinarily complex. In addition, healthcare leaders face ever increasing regulatory demands and diminishing financial rewards.
With this webinar, you will gain insight and tactics to:
- How can a hospital survive-and-thrive in the future?
- What are some of the best practices put in place by healthcare organizations that have effectively reduced expenses and still maintained high quality patient care
- What are some of the key financial principles that healthcare organizations should use as guidelines for their own operations
Charles Stewart, FACHE, MS, MA, Market CEO, Sparks Health System
Vicki Schroeder, MA, Healthcare Executive Consultant – VSE Consulting
David Callecod, FACHE, MBA, President & CEO, Lafayette General Medical Center
Michael Connelly, CPA, MBA, President & CEO, Huggins Hospital
Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
Central Illinois Chapter of ACHE
Sparks Health System
Lafayette General Medical Center
Huggins Hospital
The Healthcare Executive