2017 Roadmap to Achieving Excellence in the Patient Experience
- Posted by Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM
- Posted in Courses, Education, International, Learning, Training
Patient experience is a driving force in a facility’s brand. It also greatly impacts the number of patients choosing to attend or return to a particular hospital. It is critical that each patient have the best experience possible, every time. In an age where savvy consumers have many choices for care and a vast amount of information at their fingertips every experience matters.
In this climate of informed consumers it is important that we understand what makes a patient experience excellent and how we achieve it. In order to improve our outcomes we must better understand how to quantify qualitative data. In this program, we will examine what is a patient’s criteria to achieve a positive experience, how we accurately measure patient experience and areas of improvement that might be missed.
With this webinar, you will gain insight and tactics to:
- Patient criteria for a “good” experience
- What does engaging with patients really mean?
- The role of social media plays in patient experience and hospital attendance
- Patient experience effect on healthcare facility’s brand
- Accurately measuring qualitative data
- CMS CAHPS surveys
- Differences between patient experience and patient satisfaction
- Impact of CMS typing payment to performance
- Preventing provider burnout
- Experience matters at every step of the process (ex. Registration, cafeteria, paying bills, etc.)
- Nurses as main driver of patient experience
- Areas where most problems occur
Greg Wahlstrom, MBA, HCM, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Healthcare Executive
Stacey Klinker, MBA, HCM, Consultant, The Healthcare Executive
Bonnie Perratto, FACHE, MSN, MBA,RN,NEA-BC, Senior Vice President & Chief Nursing Executive, BayHealth Medical Center
Jason M. King, MSN, RN, CENP, Vice President, Patient Care Services & Chief Nursing Officer, Indiana University Health Morgan
Dr. Susan Condie, DNP, Chief Nursing Officer, HomeHero, Inc.
The Healthcare Executive
BayHealth Medical Center
Indiana University Health Morgan
HomeHero, Inc.
American College of Healthcare Executives – Mississippi Healthcare Executives
American College of Healthcare Executives – Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc.
American College of Healthcare Executives – Network of Overseas Healthcare Executives
Continuing Education Credit:
Healthcare based programs are authorized to award 1.5 hours of Qualified Continuing Education Credit toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for Qualified Education (non-ACHE) credit should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification.
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